Welcome back from April vacation and welcome to the fourth quarter!
Fourth Quarter Goals and Activities
At the end of this quarter you should know what to do when considering launching your own website, or if someone asks you to help them with creating a website. You will learn about registering domain names, choosing a web host, selecting a platform, determining what to charge, what to put on your resume, setting up a web analytics system, and other important steps.
In the fourth quarter we will also cover blogging and integrating social media such as Twitter and Facebook into your website.
Class this week (April 25-27)
We start off the fourth quarter with an animation project using the iPad. What does this have to do with web design? Throughout the year you have done activities to create content for the web. You’ve learned not just about how to physically create a webpage but how to gather content for a webpage. You’ve learned what could be potentially good content- for example, a holiday bake sale or a science fair or a visit from international students. You’ve also learned how to capture and edit that content- taking pictures, shooting video, and editing the footage in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Premiere Elements.
This time we will create short stop motion animations using the Stop Motion Studio app for the iPad/iPhone by Cateater. This an an inexpensive (99 cents) app that you might want to use someday on your own for your own website- who knows?
We’ll review some examples of stop motion animations and then you will come up with some ideas of your own. This is your first project of the fourth quarter and remember, projects are 50% of your grade.
Click here to see some examples that might help you come up with some ideas.
We’ll see what people come up with for ideas and then we will work on a couple of animations together as a class.