Class May 17, 2012

Can You Tell the Difference?

Click on the links below and examine the websites. Notice anything unusual?


Debt Menders

Flab Killer

Envelope Elf

Deals R Us

At Home Biller

Want some answers- click here

More on Blogging

We discussed on Monday how blogging helped give rise to the social media craze. People often have used technology to connect with one another (example, phones) and there is a need for social validation (looking at others to see what to do). The rise of blogging demonstrated that there is an audience for non-traditional media and that people like getting news and entertainment from others rather than an old-fashioned, top-down way where major TV networks and newspapers tell them what’s worthy of their attention.

We care about what our friends, friends of friends, family, and others “like us” are doing and what they think about the world around us- TV, movies, games, music, news, food, businesses, restaurants, etc., etc.

This realization helped pave the way for all of the social networks we now use.

A look at some examples of social media:

social media explained

This is obviously a humorous way to describe the differences among several popular social networks.

What social media do you use/like? Why?

It’s now become very common to see buttons like this on different websites, especially news sites, to facilitate sharing information on all different social networks. This is a way for websites to grow their audience and to expand their reach.

Social Media and Schools

How do you feel about most social media being blocked in school? Do you agree?

Burlington High School doesn’t block anything. All students have iPads and are connected to the internet all day long. The school has a Facebook page and the principal has a blog and is on Twitter:

The school actually has several blogs- School Superintendent, technology, guidance, etc (scroll down and see list on left of Mr. Larkin’s blog).

Is this useful? Can you imagine your principal or teachers doing this? Is this a good way to spread information?

We have a couple of school blogs:


K-8 Art

These are very new and still very much works in progress! What do you think?

Your Assignment Today

Find a blog on a topic you’re interested in. I will give you some time to do this. Then we will all share what we found and why we like it.