Class Week of September 10, 2012

Sites You Like

I asked you what websites you like. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Web Jobs

We talked a little about different web jobs and their salaries. Let’s check out some here.

Graphic Design

This week we will spend some time on graphic design, an important part of web design.

Graphic design is a way to visually communicate with a particular audience. Some examples include ads, logos, book covers, product packaging, brochures, posters, mail pieces, and yes, websites.

There is a difference between how things look on a computer screen and how things look printed out on a piece of paper due to differences in resolution. Many graphic design principles will apply whether designing a product for print or for viewing on a computer screen- “Make it easy on the eyes but hard to ignore!”

For example: Text that’s easy to read and consistent in size/appearance; Use of white (open) space; A clear focal point of the design; and colors that don’t clash!

Here are some examples of very creatively designed websites:

Also, 9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design.

This week, before you do any web design, you will practice your graphic design skills while designing a name tag for yourself for our classroom. First you will create a rough draft either with chalk on my board or on a large piece of paper. Once our laptops are ready to go you will use Adobe Photohop, Illustrator, Fireworks, or Wordle to create a name tag. We will spend some time reviewing Adobe products before you begin.

Over the next month we’ll work with Adobe products and practice graphic design, image editing, and animations. Everyone will sign up for a one month free trial of Adobe Creative Cloud. We’ll talk more about this during this week and next week.