1. QR (quick response) Codes- Have you seen these before or used them? Have you created them?
Everything that you never wanted to know about QR Codes on Wikipedia.
Make one now at this website http://createqrcode.appspot.com/ and test it out with your phone. If you don’t have a phone or if you don’t have a bar code scanner, let me know and you can use the class iPad.
Want to make a more interesting, colorful QR code? Try it here.
2. Review answers to Friday’s website “quiz,” talk about what’s on class site, usability of websites. Google.com is a great example of usability. Usability.gov is a good resource for more information. Usability, in general for technology, is a huge field now with lots of interest, and we will focus on it in the context of web design throughout the year.
3. More details about different web jobs and certifications- http://webprofessionals.org/certification/.
4. New iPhone 5 is out- who cares? How do other high-end smart phones compare- see http://mashable.com/2012/09/12/iphone-5-compared/