Class Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today you will begin your first project that counts for your first grade.

I have created a page for everyone on our class website. Your assignment is to update your page. I will get everyone a user account and show you how to log in and update your page.

To Log in to Your Page:

1. Open up the class website.

2. In another tab or window open up

3. Log into the site with your username and password.

4. Go back to the class website and click on Class Pages in the top menu.

5. Click on your name. You should now be on your page. Click on Edit, which should be visible on your page since you’re logged in.

You MUST include the following on your page:

1. Information about yourself: where you’re from, languages you speak, food you like, interests, hobbies, activities, talents, life philosophy, family, pets, etc.!

2. Picture of yourself: if you don’t have one online or can’t access one you have online then you can take one with my camera OR bring in one/email one to yourself for the next class.

3. Links to your sites– blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube channel, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.

4. Optional– create a QR code and post it on your page; embed a video of yourself (if you have video of yourself online AND it’s appropriate)

This will be your first project grade. Projects are 50% of your grade in this class!