1. More billboards
Two more of our billboard designs went live Thursday- check them out (click picture to see larger image):
2. Your Feedback
I very much appreciate getting feedback about your personal progress and class projects.
I know that everyone will not love everything we do all of the time. My goal is to get you to try different things while reinforcing some basic and necessary skills (like adding images and links to webpages). This class is not strictly about coding and programming- you will learn those things while also learning how to use web-based applications and other sites to create web media.
You just completed a quarter where you practiced mainly in WordPress and had a chance to do a little graphic design. You didn’t have to do much coding and learned how to use some simple tools (like the interactive timeline and QR code creator) to enhance a website.
In the second quarter we will get more into coding. You will also more extensively learn Adobe Creative Suite products like Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
3. Beginning with the Basics
Why WordPress? What is WordPress? How is this different than using Dreamweaver or even just creating a webpage with Notepad and uploading those files to a web host?
Let’s just code:
Open up Notepad or Notepad++, whatever is on your computer.
Copy and paste the following:
<title>This is your page title</title>
All visible content goes here.
Save as index.html
Open up Firefox
Click Firefox in top left, go to New Tab, Open File, then browse for index.html and open it. You are opening your webpage in the browser to preview how it looks.
It doesn’t look like much but it’s a start!
How does this compare to your Election page, or the page you created on the class website?
Can you find the title? What else is identifiable?
Go to either your Election page or your class page and right click on the page, then go to View Page Source. Let’s look at this code and see what we can identify.