webpage under construction

First Website Project Details- Updated Jan. 8th

 Done? Pick another person who is done, grab a Post-it, and you will evaluate each other’s webpages. You will write down the following things on your Post-it: what you really like about his/her webpages, and one thing the person could change or improve. Take your feedback, and make any necessary changes to your webpages.

Website checklist (when you’re done)

 Tips for getting started:

  • Keep your outline handy for reference; modify if necessary
  • Keep your page layout simple. Choose a layout you used in another project OR modify one.
  • Consider creating a page with a header, footer, and one or two “middle” sections (similar to the last one we just worked on; you can modify the dimensions).
  • Set up your home page first. Think about the impression you want to make on people visually. Does your site look nice and is it easy to figure out what it’s about and how to navigate it?

 Project timeline

  • Wednesday and Thursday (December 9 & 10): create page layout for home page and have menu/navigation in place for sub-pages
  • By Friday, December 18: have home page completed and layouts for sub-pages created
  • Friday, January 8: Completed project- home page, two sub-pages (all link to each other)

 Project technical requirements

  • Includes 3 fully complete pages– a homepage and 2 sub-pages
  • All pages link to each other
  • Each page has the same menu/navigation
  • A consistent CSS layout is used on each page
  • Incorporates things from the project resources (below), such as Font Awesome, Google fonts, stock images, etc.

 Project resources