html champs

Class Monday, October 3, 2016

 Today’s Goals:

  • Period 2 & 3 Finish HTML Championships

 Today’s Featured Site:

 HTML Championships

 When You’re Done

First round this year of “How do you do that?

  • Each of you will find something you want to do and an example from a website. Write this example down somewhere (Notepad, Google Doc, desktop Post-it, piece of paper, your phone) and save the website link with the example so we can look at it later. We will go over all of these as a class and find out if I can do it, if we’re going to learn it this year, or if someone in class knows how to do it. Example: how does today’s featured site work? Answer: by using JavaScript to take user input (you typing on the keyboard) and change it to something else (the weird, fake code that shows up).

Effort Evaluation