internet browsers

Class Thursday, October 6, 2016

 Today’s Goals:

  • Period 2: Maturity and responsibility reminder; finish first round of “How do you do that?”; and learn about browsers
  • Period 3: Finish first round of “How do you do that?” and learn about browsers

 Today’s Featured Site:

    All About Browsers

  • What is a browser and why do we use one?
  • Let’s watch this basic browser intro video before we start exploring our browsers’ features
  • What are some of the most popular browsers?
  • Throwback Thursday: check out what a browser looked like when I was in high school!
  • Is it important to know how your website looks in different browsers?
  • Check out this informative site and try it in Chrome and Firefox
  • Let’s look at web statistics for the school website that let me know what browsers our visitors are using to access the site
  • Internet Explorer: what happened to the former browser and what’s new?
  • Browser cache: what is it, how to clear it, and why?
  • Developer tools: We will make use of the built-in developer tools for Chrome and Firefox this year. These tools can help us check out website code, find errors, preview changes, and much more! Today we’ll look at Firefox.
  • Keeping up with the latest trends: helps web developers find out which browsers support the latest innovations in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Other browsers: Let’s check some out.