Class Monday, November 7, 2016

 Today’s Goals:

 Today’s Featured Site:

 What You Learned 1st Quarter:

  • How the internet works, web hosting, and domain registration
  • What browsers are and built-in tools to help with web development
  • Basic HTML– how to set up a basic webpage, how to add images, links, text
  • Basic CSS– how to add a background image and color, how to change the text font, color, and size, how to add a text-shadow
  • How to use a text editor like Notepad++
  • Where to find high quality, free stock images
  • How to edit images using Pixlr.com
  • Basic graphic design techniques
  • What WordPress is and how to use it
  • How to add an icon font like Font Awesome to your website
  • Where your work is published: on class website, school website, and school social media

 Important CSS to Know

  • CSS code goes in style tags in head section of your webpage
  • CSS code goes between curly brackets { }, one at the beginning and one at the end
  • Every line of css code ends with a semi colon ;
  • What’s coming up: more CSS! CSS is EVERYTHING to make your webpage look good- colors, layout, even responsive design

To do while others’ receiving their grades:

 Get to know your new table partner

  • Find out 1 thing you have in common with your new table mate and then come up with a hint for it (the class is going to guess later). For example, if I was paired with another student and we have the same birth month, we might say our hint is “We’re both Virgos” and then hopefully someone in the class would figure out that the thing we have in common is we were both born in August.

 Check out election-related sites & apps