movie seats

Class Tuesday, May 29, 2018

 Today’s goal:

  • Watch videos, learn something new

 Today’s featured website:

 Web Design Movie Day!

What is the internet?


 Question: How would you explain the internet to these confused news people? Turn and talk to your neighbor for 1 minute.

Let’s see how Bill Gates explained the internet to David Letterman:

How does the browser load your webpage?


 Question: Why does the browser need interpreters to display your code?

How to learn something new and grow your skills


 Question: Can you think of a situation in which this applies to your life? What are you trying to learn? Reflect on this on your own unless you want to share with the class.

Quick summary- what we basically learned in this class


 Question: So why don’t we use the same things to build applications for the web and for mobile devices? Turn and talk to your neighbor for 1 minute.

Once again, what are progressive web applications?


 Question: Why would someone consider creating a PWA instead of a “regular website” or a mobile (native) app? Turn and talk to your neighbor for 1 minute.

How to break the internet


 Question: Did anything in this video surprise you? Why yes or why no? Turn and talk to your neighbor for 1 minute.

Net neutrality and Burger King


 Question: So what exactly is net neutrality?