Period 6 Thursday, September 6, 2018

 Today’s goal:

  • Create a webpage describing your summer in 6 words

 Today’s featured web site:

 6 Word Summer Vacation

  1. Think about how you spent your summer. Write down a few sentences or words that describe your activities. You can do this on paper or somewhere on your computer (sticky note on desktop, Notepad, Google doc, etc.)
  2. Choose 6 words to describe your summer. Feel free to look at these examples: (mine) and (sample project).
  3. Find a background image to use for your 6 word summer. Go to either or (free stock image sites we’ll use frequently). Once you find an image, click on it and leave the page open in your browser.
  4. Now view the sample project and click Remix. Let’s look at the code. Where do you change the words? Where do you change the background image?
  5. Your code (HTML and CSS) is on the left and your project preview is on the right. Click on Tutorial for step by step instructions or simply try changing the code to see what happens.
  6. To add your background image, go back to the picture you selected in step 3 and right click on it. Then select “copy image address” and paste the link in the correct place to change the background image.
  7. Change the words in the project to the six words you chose to describe your summer.
  8. Questions: How could you change the font size? How could you change the banner? How can you change the link and photo credit name to add the information for your photo?
  9. To finish: Make sure you show me your completed project. Optional- publish the project if you want (you will have to sign up for a free account.
  10. Reflection and discussion: talk to person next to you and then we’ll share some thoughts as a class
    • How is telling a six-word story similar to or different from telling a longer one?
    • How do images add to a story?
    • How did changing part of the code change part of your story?
    • What was it like to start with someone else’s story to remix? How was it different from beginning a story on your own?