President Obama

Class Thursday, December 6, 2018

 Today’s goals:

  • Finish winter scenes webpage with floats
  • Learn about the field of computer science
  • Challenge yourself and learn something new from an Hour of Code activity

 Today’s featured website:

  •– Receive “small presents of knowledge” about computer/internet security everyday this month. I highly recommend you read day 3!

 Smashing Magazine Desktop Wallpaper for December

  • Check out December’s backgrounds here

 Winter Scenes Webpage with Floats!

  • Now you’re going to create this:
    winter scenes2
  • Download the broken code here to get started. Create a new page in Notepad++, save as winterfloats.html, and follow the comments to fix the code.
  • When you’re done: What are the 2 descendant selectors that we used in this code? What did they do and why did we use them?

 Hour of Code

  •  What is it?
    • For the past few years millions of people in nearly 200 countries have participated in the Hour of Code. This event is held during the first week of December and was launched to promote computer science learning.
  •  What will you learn?
    • Each year special one hour tutorials are made available for free during the Hour of Code. These tutorials teach basic programming concepts as well as specific programming languages. For example, one tutorial might teach you how to create an app for an Android phone while another will walk you through creating a game.
  •  How is it different than what we do in this class?
    • In this class you are learning how to create webpages, which are viewed in browsers. The code you learn- HTML, CSS, JavaScript- is for creating a webpage to run in a browser. Web development is a sub-field of computer science. The Hour of Code activities focus on the broad field of computer science, which includes programming applications and software, artificial intelligence, web development, and game development, among many other things.
  •  Choose an activity
    1. Today you can choose something to work on at your own pace the Hour of Code website. Check out the categories on the left side to help you filter your choices. Try something and give it some time before moving onto something else. Try finding and sticking to something you like!
    2. Try some of these HTML and CSS challenges
    3. Choose tutorials to follow from (see left-hand side for options)
    4. Watch some YouTube tutorials on one of my favorite web development channels
    5. Check out the activities offered by Google on
    6. Do an online search for computer science major or computer science college and find out what schools offer the program and what kinds of things students learn
    7. Do an online search for computer science jobs to see what kinds of jobs people have and what they do
  •  Not sure what to pick? Take this short interactive quiz!
  •  When you’re done: Take this quick survey about what you did.