Period 5 Monday, December 10, 2018

 Today’s goal:

  • Create a graphic with a monthly theme

 To do:

  • Create a monthly-themed graphic (similar to the ones we look at every month from Smashing Magazine).
  • You can do any month you want!
  • It’s OPTIONAL to add a calendar.
  • Monthly-themed graphic examples: AND also see what Period 6 created last month
  • Choose your month and think about images/colors/themes that represent that month (see Smashing Magazine examples above for inspiration)
  • To create these: you can use (Editor or Express), Microsoft Paint, Canva, or Google (Doc, Slides, or Drawing)
  • Get your images from the usual places: Pexels, Unsplash,, or (do image search, then filter to free to share and use).
  • If you have time to create 2 you will receive extra credit
  • Printing: We can’t print from here, so please let me know when you’re done so we can easily save/download the image for my use.

 Checklist for Success

  • Make sure you do the following to end up in the “wildly successful”, A-range category.
  • Wildly successful (A-range):
    1. You would be very proud to have this hanging on the wall!
    2. Completed poster or monthly graphic
    3. Images came from sources listed above
    4. Strong, obvious attempt to create an appealing visual theme (colors, text, images)
    5. Images chosen carefully to go along with visual theme and to be as visually appealing as possible
    6. Text (if include calendar) is easy to read
  • Moderately successful (B/C-range):
    1. You would hang it on the wall but wouldn’t want anyone to know you created it
    2. Completed poster or monthly graphic
    3. Images came from sources listed above
    4. Images somewhat appealing; evidence of some attempt made to create visual theme.
    5. Text (if include calendar) is somewhat hard to read
  • Not so successful (C or lower-range):
    1. You definitely wouldn’t hang this up
    2. Incomplete graphic
    3. Little effort put into creating visual theme
    4. Images from sources other than those listed
    5. Minimal text that provides little information
    6. Text is hard to read