CSS is awesome mug

Class Tuesday, December 18, 2018

 Today’s goals:

  • Review CSS
  • Start learning about flexbox, a CSS layout method used to create mobile-friendly sites

 Today’s featured website:

 Your CSS Questions

  • In groups of 2 at your tables, you will create 2 lists:
    1. The CSS you know well and feel comfortable with
    2. The CSS you find confusing and feel less comfortable with
  • We will add our lists to this Google Doc when you’re done
  • You will try to explain and find answers to these CSS questions when we get back together as a group. For example, maybe someone knows how to add a background image and can explain that to you while you can explain to that person how to add a Google Font.
  • Challenge questions: Why is the image on today’s class post funny? How could the issue be fixed (there is more than one answer to this)?

 Self-guided reviews

 When you’re done: