web designer

Class Wednesday, January 9, 2019

 Today’s goal:

  • Learn about pursuing web design (and related fields) in college and/or as a career

 Today’s featured website:

 Questions to explore

  • Each student will be assigned one or more of the following questions:
    1. What is a web developer? What is a web designer? What is a graphic designer?
    2. What is a front end developer? What is a back end developer?
    3. What is a full stack developer?
    4. What is user design (or UX/UI or user experience design)?
    5. What could you study in college to prepare for one of these positions?
    6. What do web developers study in college? What about graphic designers? What about game designers/developers?
    7. How else could you become a web designer or developer if you don’t do it in college? Find at least two different ways.
    8. What are code boot camps? Why do people do them?
    9. What do code boot camps cost?
    10. What percentage of high schools in America offer web design? Computer science? Game development?
    11. What is the average salary of a web developer? A game developer? A graphic designer?
  • For everyone: What are you interested in and why? Are you potentially interested in studying these subject areas in college? What about graphic design, mobile app development, or game development?