Class Wednesday, January 23, 2019

 Today’s goals:

  • Complete second quarter survey and self-paced second quarter review
  • Find your new seat
  • See what you’ll learn third quarter
  • Come up with a topic for your first webpage project

 Today’s featured site(s):

 Second Quarter Survey and Review

 What you learned second quarter

  1. CSS Box Model and box model properties (margins, borders, padding) and box-sizing (how browsers compute the width of content) (link)
  2. Opacity property (link)
  3. CSS selectors– type, .class, and #ID (link)
  4. Line-height property (link)
  5. Box-shadow property (link)
  6. Position property (link)
  7. Z-index property (link)
  8. CSS floats (link)
  9. Display property and values of block, inline, and inline-block (link)
  10. How to create horizontal and vertical website menus (link)
  11. Flexbox (or flexible box) layout (link)
  12. Border-radius property (link)
  13. Filter property (link)
  14. CSS animations: Animate.css (ready made animations to add to your site); @keyframes rule and animation property; (web-based tool to create animations)
  15. Web typography (use of typography in web design) (link)
  16. How to create buttons with the button tag (link)

 Second quarter survey

 Self-guided reviews

 Third Quarter Preview

  • Website project– begins today and lasts for a few weeks
  • Responsive web design– make your site look good on different devices (flexbox and grid layout, media queries, CSS frameworks)
  • JavaScript for the web

 Webpage Project Topic