Today’s goals:
- Behavior reminder
- Take surveys about Bootstrap, 3rd quarter accomplishments, and 4th quarter goals
- Start learning about JavaScript
Today’s featured site:
- – Look what JavaScript can do to a fake Google page!
Bootstrap Reflection Survey
- Congratulations for attempting to use a pretty advanced front end framework! You should be proud of your efforts, regardless of whether you finished. The best way to learn Bootstrap is to just start building something with it.
- Click here to take the survey
3rd Quarter Accomplishments and 4th Quarter Goals Survey
JavaScript Introduction
- Do on your own
Change the code of this “homework excuse generator” webpage to see JavaScript in action
Click on tutorial.html for the directions and change the code in excuses.js and index.html - JavaScript and Bootstrap
What parts of your Bootstrap tutorial used JavaScript? - Brief video introduction
Let’s watch this informative video about JavaScript - What is JavaScript?
- What is JavaScript? Why would you want to learn how to use it?
- JavaScript, much like HTML and CSS, is easy to learn but hard to master. It’s worth the struggle to keep trying hard and learning more as you go!
- You can think about JavaScript in 3 different parts– basic JavaScript, JavaScript libraries, and JavaScript frameworks. Today you’ll begin learning basic JavaScript and will eventually learn jQuery, a very popular JavaScript library (there are TONS of libraries to help developers do things with JavaScript). We won’t get into frameworks but some examples are Node.js, Meteor.js, Angular.js, etc. You see Angular.js in action if you have a Gmail account.
- JavaScript practice:
- Let’s start writing JavaScript (JS) right now in this fun tutorial
- Now, let’s try come of the coding from the tutorial directly in our browser. Let’s bring up the console in Chrome by clicking ctrl-shift-i on the keyboard. We’re now going to practice the basics we just learned in here.