Class Monday, December 3, 2012

No Art Institute Today

Unfortunately, the Art Institute speaker is sick and had to cancel.  We will hopefully reschedule.

Fix This

You are going to fix the following code.  Replace the incorrect code with the correct code.

To start, open a new, blank Notepad or Notepad ++ file.  Copy and paste the following code.  Then begin correcting the code.

<! DOCTYPE html>



<title>Where does the title belong?</title>


</p>Is this paragraph code correct?<p>

<h1>Is this headline correct?</h2>

<image src=”mustang1.jpg” />

<p><a link=””>What is wrong with this link to the school website?</a></p>

<p><strong>Just some bold text in a paragraph, right?</p></strong>

<!– Something is wrong with this comment –!>

<em><p>Make sure to save this file correctly as a webpage</p><em>

<p>Someone help me, I don’t want to be italicized!</p>

<li>bullet list item</li>
<li>bullet list item<li>
</li>bullet list item</li>

<li>numbered list item</li>
<li>number list item</li>
<li>number list item</li>



Do This

After you have fixed the code, make sure you save the file correctly as a webpage.  Then open it in Firefox.

Remember favicons?  Please create a favicon for your webpage by going to  Then insert the appropriate code (see November 27 post on class website).

Next, go to the school online video library.  Select any video you want and embed it on your webpage.

Next, add some paragraph text under the video that describes what it is.


Great job!