responsive web design

Class Wednesday, September 5, 2018

 Today’s goals:

  • Finish name tag
  • Learn how to find information on our class website
  • Discuss websites and apps we like
  • Look at the world’s first website (and the evolution of the web since then)

 Today’s featured web site:

 Monthly desktop wallpaper!

  • Smashing Magazine is a great online resource to learn about web design. Each month designers from around the world create monthly-themed desktop wallpaper (we will create these later in the year). This wallpaper is available for free- check out September’s here!

 Explore the class website

Check out our class web site to find answers to the following questions. Write them down on your computer or a piece of paper.

  1. What’s my dog’s name?
  2. Where should you go to see what we’re working on in class?
  3. When will you begin learning JavaScript?
  4. What percentage of your grade is effort?
  5. What are you most looking forward to learning this year?
  6. Name someone in my class last year who’s name begins with a “J.”
  7. What’s the date of the last tweet that was posted to the class account? What was the tweet about?
  8. What’s on the Cool Stuff page?
  9. What’s the first thing you should do before creating your own web site?
  10. Where can you find all of the featured websites we look at every class?
  11. What is on the After School? page?

 Sites & apps we like

Talk to the person next to you and make a list. Then we will share with the class.

  • What websites do you use often? Why?
  • What apps do you use often? Why?

Web Design 101

  • The first website ever
  • The history of web design in 9 animated gifs
  • The the evolution of the web from HTML to mobile browsers
  • What’s the difference? Web design vs web development