
Class Tuesday, October 15, 2019

 Today’s Goals:

  • Finish your Pixlr Boss image challenges– about half of you are missing some and I will tell you who needs to submit which images. Today is the last day you will get class time to work on these. If you don’t finish, you will have to do them on your own time before the end of the quarter.
  • Finish your inspirational quote graphic (instructions here ). If you don’t finish your quote today, you will have to finish that on your own time before the end of the quarter.
  • Evaluate inspirational quote graphics  (text readability, colors)
  • Review use of color in web design
  • Learn about image types:
    when to use jpgs, gifs, and pngs 
    svg and other image file formats 

 Today’s featured website:

 Color in Web Design

  1. Read or listen to this article:
  2. Look at these infographics (source):
  3. Try these color tools (and pay attention to the color harmonies):
  4. Answer these questions: