Webby Awards
The annual Webby Awards are taking place today. The awards recognize the best of the web, including websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile and apps.
The 2012 nominees and past winners are available on the Webby Awards website.
This is the Webby Agency of the Year:
What do you think of the navigation?
You will have some fun with your drawing skills on this site:
Never wonder what time or day it is again- anywhere!
Create your own pop up video and share with friends via Facebook or Twitter:
Notice there are four blog categories- business, cultural, political and personal. Check some of those out. We will continue to talk about blogs this week and you will participate in creating one.
Today’s assignment
Find three websites you feel strongly about (love, hate, etc.). You can look at this year’s nominees or even go back and look at winners in previous years. You will have some time to do this and we will all share the websites we chose and why. Maybe you like the topic, or the simple navigation, or think the site is very creative and different. Select a couple of sites and be prepared to explain why.
Here is the site with 2012 nominees and past winners:
Submit your websites here: