CSS3 Practice

Today we’re going to follow a tutorial using CSS3 to create an interesting photo gallery:


This year you learned about CSS and used it to create internal and external style sheets. You practiced using CSS to style things like headlines and text, and also used it to create page layouts.

Today you will review those skills again while also seeing some of the cool features of CSS3, the latest version of CSS.

Please download and save the following image files on your computer. Leave the names the same- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Just right click on each image and go to “Save file as.”

Photograph of a tree

Photograph of a lake scene at dusk

Photograph of clouds and sunlight

Photograph of a beach sunset

Photograph of a waterfall

Photograph of a beach sunset

Click here to download the image background

When we get to it, here are the links you will need:

For photos 1, 2, 4, 5, 6


For photo 3
