I’m very excited this year for our web design class!
This is a hands-on, project-based class. You won’t be writing papers or taking tests. My goal is to have every student learn the basics of web design so when you leave this class you’re prepared to work on a site or start one of your own.
This year you will learn HTML, CSS, and even a little Javascript and JQuery. You will develop mobile applications. You will also learn how to use a variety of Adobe products, including Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, and others. You will also learn how to create a website from scratch and how to use popular content managers such as WordPress.
Two very important things to understand from the beginning:
– Every student will have his/her own laptop. You’re responsible for taking good care of this machine while in class. I had no issues with anyone last year and I expect the same this year. A computer is necessary to participate in this class and I don’t want to have to take away anyone’s computer privileges due to inappropriate use. You’re expected to complete your assignments using appropriate resources- Notepad, Adobe, and relevant websites.
– You will use our class website everyday. Our class site will have important information and instructions for whatever we’re working on for the day. Please be in the habit of opening the class site as soon as you get your laptop fired up.
Once we have all of our student laptops ready everyone will receive one. Hopefully this will happen sometime next week.
Information and grading details will be available for each assignment. Your grade will depend upon how well you follow instructions, class participation, and the effort you put into your work.
I’m looking forward to meeting you and working with you this year. I want each of you to be successful in this class and to get out of it solid skills you can take with you anywhere.
– Ms. Goldsberry