Monday’s goals: Finish your page on the class website and leave thoughtful comments on others’ pages
Thursday’s goals: Learn about WordPress and start adding content to your page on the class website
Key skills you’ll practice: WordPress: logging in, editing a page, and adding text, images, and links
But first, check out your Harvest of the Month graphics on the school website!
Getting started
- WordPress overview: I’ll show you the basics of how the page editor is set up and how you would add text, images, and links.
- Logging in:
- Go to this link
- User name is first name (as seen here), password is last name2016. Example: Goldsberry2016 and the first letter is capitalized.
- Find your page: from the Dashboard, click Pages in the left menu, then type your first name in the white search box on the top left and hit enter. When you find your name, point your mouse to it and then click Edit below your name. You should now see your page editor.
- Still need images? Try,, or (do image search, then search for free to share and use).
When you’re done:
- Use the check list for success (below) to make sure you have what you need to be in the wildly successful category. Add what you’re missing and make some edits if necessary.
- Go to other students’ pages (names list here) and leave thoughtful comments and questions about what they have written. I’ve already kicked off the comments by adding a question to each student’s page. Check out Period 3’s pages for examples of people asking each other questions and answering them in the comments section. Don’t forget to respond if someone leaves a question on your page!
Checklist for Success
- Make sure you do the following to end up in the “wildly successful”, A-range category.
- Wildly successful (A-range):
- Moderately successful (B/C-range):
- Student includes 4-6 pieces of information
- Student includes at least 2 images
- Student includes at least 1 link
- Not so successful (C or lower-range):
- Student includes 1-3 pieces of information
- Student includes 0-1 images
- Student doesn’t add any links