
Class Wednesday, October 5, 2016

 Today’s Goals:

  • Period 2 & 3: Review HTML Championships, create HTML cheat sheet, and play first round of “How do you do that?”
  • IMPORTANT: If you didn’t take the effort evaluation survey on Monday, please DO IT NOW.

 Today’s Featured Site:

 For Fun (optional)

  • Download a seasonal desktop background for free from Smashing Magazine. To find out your screen resolution, RIGHT CLICK somewhere on your computer desktop (not on a folder or icon), and choose Screen Resolution from the menu that pops up.

 HTML Championships review

  • Here is the answer key for your reference if you’re stuck on anything
  • It’s incredibly important to have the correct code because you will be referring back to it as you work on future projects. Successful coding isn’t about memorization; it’s about knowing where to get the right code and how to use it! This includes from previous projects you’ve worked on and/or finding online resources. On that note, we will spend time on creating an HTML Cheat Sheet so you have something accurate to refer to and to use as a helpful guide this year.

 HTML Cheat Sheet

  • We’re going to create one right now together as a class. Think about what should be on here. What are the basics? What are you still confused about?
  • Period 2 HTML Cheat Sheet:
  • Period 3 HTML Cheat Sheet:
  • When we’re done with our cheat sheet: open Notepad++, go to File, New, and then copy and paste the cheat sheet into this new document. Save it as HTML Cheat Sheet. It will save as a plain text file so you can easily copy and paste the code from here into future projects.
  • Helpful HTML tags: list

 First round this year of “How do you do that?

  • Each of you found something you want to do and an example from a website. We will go over all of these as a class and find out if I can do it, if we’re going to learn it this year, or if someone in class knows how to do it.