Today’s goals: Finish discussion from yesterday about website accessibility and look at helpful tools Explore how to make websites usable for everyone and review the DO’s for good web design Mobile design part #1: compareContinue reading
Class Thursday, February 28, 2019
Today’s goals: Develop an understanding of how different people use & experience websites by putting yourself in their shoes Explore how to make websites usable for everyone Today’s featured site: – You’re HOW old? AboutContinue reading
Class Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Today’s goals: Update your portfolio on the class website with screenshots of your webpage project Complete this survey about the webpage project Participate in a website show and tell Begin discussing website accessibility Today’s featuredContinue reading
Class Monday, February 25, 2019
Today’s goals: *Finish your webpage project and make sure you have the 8 requirements (see here for list ) *Update your portfolio on the class website with screenshots of your webpage project (log in here , usernameContinue reading
Webpage Project Requirements & Resources
Project requirements 2 COMPLETE pages– a homepage and a sub-page that are linked together A vertical or horizontal menu. This should include a list of other pages on your site even though you’re only doingContinue reading
Class Thursday, January 24, 2019
Today’s goals: Complete webpage project milestones #1 and #2- come up with a topic and sketch an outline/plan Review project requirements Coming up (next milestones): suggested project timeline and code support Today’s featured site: –Continue reading
Class Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Today’s goals: Complete second quarter survey and self-paced second quarter review Find your new seat See what you’ll learn third quarter Come up with a topic for your first webpage project Today’s featured site(s): –Continue reading
Class Friday, January 18, 2019
Today’s goals: Finish animation challenge Complete second quarter survey and self-paced second quarter review Today’s featured app: – This site creatively teaches you some basic yoga poses Animation Challenge You are going to practice everythingContinue reading
Class Thursday, January 16, 2019
Today’s goals: Learn how to create and style buttons Begin animation challenge Today’s featured app: – The world needs this Buttons Code There is an HTML tag that will create a button. We need toContinue reading
Class Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Today’s goals: Learn about 2D transforms and the transform property Learn about web typography (how text is used in web design) Today’s featured website: – A 16-year-old created this useful site that helps runners andContinue reading