css animations

Class Monday, January 14, 2019

 Today’s goals: Review 2nd quarter grades and distracted student policy (link ) Finish animation property and @keyframes practice on W3Schools (from Thursday) Animation show case– check out sites effectively using animation and review a web-based toolContinue reading

web designer

Class Wednesday, January 9, 2019

 Today’s goal: Learn about pursuing web design (and related fields) in college and/or as a career  Today’s featured website: https://connectivewebdesign.com/pricing – How much does it cost to build a website?  Questions to explore Each student willContinue reading

css animations

Class Thursday, January 10, 2019

 Today’s goals: Continue learning how to create basic CSS animations with the @keyframes rule and the animate property Learn about @keyframes stages, animation speed, setting the style for the end of the animation, and addingContinue reading


Class Monday, January 7, 2019

 Today’s goals: Make fun animations with CSS using Animate.CSS Learn about basic CSS animations, beginning with the @keyframes rule and the animate property  Today’s featured website: https://codepen.io/jkantner/pen/ZaMeyW– Enjoy this digital version of a classic toy!Continue reading

graphic design

Period 6 Friday, January 4, 2019

 Today’s goals: Finish practicing the CSS filter property Practice using the filter property and flexbox layout  CSS Filter Property The filter property lets you add similar effects to elements (often images) that were once onlyContinue reading


Class Wednesday, January 2, 2019

 Today’s goal: Learn about 2 new CSS properties: border-radius and filter  Today’s featured website: https://trends.google.com/trends/yis/2018/GLOBAL/– Find out what dominated Google in 2018 Monthly Desktop Wallpaper Freshen up your computer desktop with some new monthly wallpaperContinue reading


Class Friday, December 21, 2018

 Today’s goals: Continue learning about flexbox, a flexible CSS layout technique, by completing an online tutorial  Today’s featured website: https://onlineclock.net/bg/xmas/– Relax in front of a (virtual) fireplace!  Flexbox (or flexible box) About Flexbox is aContinue reading


Class Wednesday, December 19, 2018

 Today’s goals: Review your most confusing CSS questions Start learning about flexbox, a CSS layout method used to create mobile-friendly sites  Today’s featured website: https://www.elfyourself.com/– This silly site is a holiday classic for a reason!Continue reading

CSS is awesome mug

Class Tuesday, December 18, 2018

 Today’s goals: Review CSS Start learning about flexbox, a CSS layout method used to create mobile-friendly sites  Today’s featured website: https://codepen.io/jaymierosen/pen/KZweop– And the Pantone color of the year is….  Your CSS Questions In groups ofContinue reading