
Class Friday, December 14, 2018

 Today’s goals: Create a horizontal webpage menu by styling list items and links Play a CSS review game  Today’s featured website: https://www.supremo.co.uk/designers-eye/– Can you tell if it’s centered?  Horizontal Website Menu Let’s comment out ourContinue reading


Class Thursday, December 13, 2018

 Today’s goals: Use CSS display values block, inline, and inline-block to create horizontal and vertical webpage menus  Today’s featured website: https://santatracker.google.com/village.html– Google’s holiday game site  Key Concepts Menus are made up of bullets (list items)Continue reading

block and inline

Class Tuesday, December 11, 2018

 Today’s goals: Check out your graphics from your recent graphic design projects: Period 5 monthly graphics, Period 6 monthly graphics, and Harvest of the Month Begin learning about CSS display property and values block, inline,Continue reading

Period 5 Monday, December 10, 2018

 Today’s goal: Create a graphic with a monthly theme  To do: Create a monthly-themed graphic (similar to the ones we look at every month from Smashing Magazine). You can do any month you want! It’sContinue reading

President Obama

Class Thursday, December 6, 2018

 Today’s goals: Finish winter scenes webpage with floats Learn about the field of computer science Challenge yourself and learn something new from an Hour of Code activity  Today’s featured website: https://security.christmas/– Receive “small presents ofContinue reading

css floating

Class Wednesday, December 5, 2018

 Today’s goals: Continue learning another CSS layout technique, floats Learn and practice clearing (a property used with floating content) Start a new winter scenes webpage with floats  Today’s featured website: https://christmasexperiments.com/-These sites use WebGL (webContinue reading

css layout

Class Monday, December 3, 2018

 Today’s goals: Finish your winter scenes webpage Begin learning another CSS layout technique, floating  Today’s featured website: https://securityplanner.org/#/– This visual guide helps you make good decisions to keep your online accounts and internet-connected devices secure.Continue reading

css positioning

Class Friday, November 30, 2018

 Today’s goals: Continue practicing the CSS position and z-index properties Finish your winter scenes webpage  Today’s featured website: https://isitchristmas.com/ (check this on any day and on December 25 to see if it changes)  Important VocabularyContinue reading

css positioning

Class Wednesday, November 28, 2018

 Today’s goals: Learn about the CSS position property Learn about the z-index property  Today’s featured website: https://gcemetery.co/– This online “cemetery” of Google products documents the demise of things you might or might not have everContinue reading