CSS box model

Class Tuesday, November 27, 2018

 Today’s goals: Review: shorthand properties and auto value for margin property Review: CSS box model Take a quiz on the CSS box model New: positioning and z-index  Today’s featured website: http://www.pixelthoughts.co/– This website creatively usesContinue reading

Hump day

Class Wednesday, November 21, 2018

 Today’s goals: Review: shorthand properties and auto value for margin property Choice of assignment (same from yesterday)- see below  Today’s featured website: https://jenniferdewalt.com/rock_paper_scissors.html– Can you beat the computer in this classic game?  Review- Shorthand PropertiesContinue reading


Class Tuesday, November 20, 2018

 Today’s goals: Finish Thanksgiving webpage project Choice of other assignment when finished- see below  Today’s featured website: https://httpster.net/2018/oct/– Become inspired by websites created by people from all over the world  Thanksgiving Webpage Project You areContinue reading

CSS can do that

Class Friday, November 16, 2018

 Today’s goals: Learn about CSS classes and how to apply them Learn about the “C” in “CSS”- Cascading Learn 2 new CSS properties- box-shadow and line-height Start Thanksgiving webpage project  Today’s featured website: https://archive.org/web/– ThisContinue reading

CSS box model

Class Thursday, November 15, 2018

 Today’s goals: Continue learning the CSS box model by creating a new webpage Learn how browsers compute the width of content Learn about the opacity property  Today’s featured website: https://www.webdesignmuseum.org/– An online museum of webContinue reading

Period 6 November 13, 2018

 Today’s goal: Create a graphic with a monthly theme  To do: Create a monthly-themed graphic (similar to the ones we look at every month from Smashing Magazine). You can do any month you want! It’sContinue reading

CSS box model

Class Friday, November 9, 2018

 Today’s goals: Continue learning and practicing the CSS box model Get your first quarter grade  Today’s featured website: https://codepen.io/chaofix/pen/VrWZga– This simple game is created entirely from CSS!  About the CSS Box Model The box modelContinue reading

CSS box model

Class Wednesday, November 7, 2018

 Today’s goals: Find your new seat Learn about the CSS box model: margins, borders, padding, and box model  Today’s featured website: http://codevember.xyz/– See what web developers create based upon a one-word theme  CSS Box ModelContinue reading


Class Monday, November 5, 2018

 Today’s goals: CSS Review Learn and practice more CSS: internal & external style sheets; selectors, properties, and values Learn how to change the computer cursor using CSS Up next: the box model and new seats!Continue reading