Today’s Goals: Get hidden ghost answer code and review general code trouble-shooting steps Create countdown timer webpage with JavaScript Today’s featured website:– I get to embarrass my cousin and at the same time showContinue reading
Class Monday, April 23, 2018
Today’s Goals: Learn JavaScript’s setTimeOut method Create a “haunted” webpage with a hidden screaming ghost! Today’s featured website:– Don’t forget to right click and select view source to check out the code. How manyContinue reading
Class Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Today’s Goal: Learn about pursuing web design (and related fields) in college and/or as a career Today’s featured website:– Choose a language based upon what you want to make Questions to explore In groupsContinue reading
Class Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Today’s Goals: Learn how to drag and drop elements on a webpage with JavaScript Explore JavaScript frameworks Today’s featured website:– Look what JavaScript can do to a fake Google page! Dragging and Dropping ElementsContinue reading
Class Monday, April 9, 2018
Today’s Goals: Receive your 3rd quarter grade Follow a canvas tutorial that will help you create a JavaScript-based game or animation. See what you can do in one class period. Today’s featured website:– TheContinue reading
Class Friday, April 6, 2018
Today’s Goals: Take a survey about the 3rd quarter (link to survey here) Update your portfolio page, if necessary, to include recent Harvest of the Month or other graphic design graphics and (if you want)Continue reading
Period 6 April 3, 2018
Today’s goal: Create a graphic with a monthly theme To do: Create a monthly-themed graphic (similar to the ones we look at every month from Smashing Magazine). Two of you will do April, two willContinue reading
Period 5 Harvest of the Month April 3, 2018
Today’s goal: Create an infographic, interactive image, or collage to promote April’s Harvest of the Month, potatoes. Key skills you’ll practice: graphic/visual design, use of digital media creation tools Harvest of the Month digital mediaContinue reading
Class Monday, April 2, 2018
Today’s Goals: Continuing learning basic JavaScript getElementById() method The canvas tag (dynamic HTML & JS combined) Today’s featured website:– What follows April Fools’ Day? International Fact-checking Day. April Desktop Wallpaper! See what’s available fromContinue reading
Class Thursday, March 29, 2018
Today’s Goals: Continuing learning basic JavaScript Functions and events Adding third-party scripts DOM and DOM events Today’s featured website:– You’re HOW old? JavaScript practice (from yesterday) Picking up from yesterday: we’re going to useContinue reading