you got this

Class Monday, January 6, 2020

 Today’s Goal: Learn about 2 new CSS properties: border-radius  and filter   Today’s featured sites/apps: 2019 Trends: What dominated Google in 2019  Apple’s top apps    CSS Border-Radius Property The border-radius property  lets you give elements roundedContinue reading

css floating

Class Friday, December 20, 2019- updated

 Today’s Goals: Review CSS floats Find hidden “Easter eggs” on various sites! Download desktop wallpaper for January (optional)   Today’s featured sites: Holiday site showcase!– check this on any day and on December 25 toContinue reading

css floating

Class Tuesday, December 17, 2019

 Today’s Goal: Continue learning CSS layout: floats  Today’s featured site: – Check out this fun and engaging portfolio site!  CSS Layout Review & Key Concepts: What are the three CSS layout methods we’ve learned soContinue reading

artificial intelligence

Class Friday, December 13, 2019

 Today’s Goals: Finish Hour of Code activities with artificial intelligence discussion and activity Reflect on this week’s activities  Showcase of sites/apps powered by artificial intelligence: Continued from yesterday: AI generated workout AI removes profaneContinue reading

artificial intelligence

Class Thursday, December 12, 2019

 Artificial Intelligence Overview Artificial intelligence (AI): “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.” Some examples:Continue reading

President Obama

Class Tuesday, December 10, 2019

 Today’s Goals: Hour of Code: Finish programming a progress bar in JavaScript Hour of Code: Explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is influencing websites and apps  Programming a Progress Bar in JavaScript We are coding aContinue reading

President Obama

Class Monday, December 9, 2019

 Today’s Goals: Learn about the field of computer science Challenge yourself and learn something new from an Hour of Code activity  Today’s featured site: – Find out what foods are popular in different parts ofContinue reading

CSS positioning

Class Thursday, December 5, 2019

 Today’s Goals: Continue with CSS layout properties Position property Z-index property (only used with position property if content overlaps)  Today’s featured app: – “Zenia’s core technology is based on algorithms of computer vision and neuralContinue reading

graphic design

Class Thursday, December 5, 2019

 Today’s Goal: Create at least one graphic that you are proud to show off!  Today’s featured website: – This unique map shows population density Graphic Design Challenges- Your Choice! Pick one and do the oneContinue reading

css positioning

Class Monday, December 3, 2019

 Today’s Goals: Practice using the position property Practice using z-index property Optional: download December-themed desktop wallpaper!   Today’s featured website: – Fun site to check out before traveling somewhere new!  New- Positioning and Z-Index Overview #1:Continue reading