COMMON & IMPORTANT HTML TAGS beginning of EVERY single webpage tag used right after the tag that contains important, usually non-visible, information about website important tag in <head> section that includes title of webpage <body> all visible content of a webpage is in the body section <p></p> paragraph tags <h1></h1> headline tags <strong></strong> bold text tags <em></em> italicized text tags <!-- Comment tag --> Anything inside the comment tag will be ignored by the browser. It's meant for humans to read. <br> line break tag (like skipping a line) <a href="full link">Text that's visible</a> Code for adding a link includes the whole link, text you want "clickable", and a closing tag <a href="">This link opens our class website in the same browser window or tab</a> <a href="" target="_blank">This link opens our class website in a new browser window or tab</a> <img src="name_of_image.jpg" /> code for adding an image; file extensions include .jpg, .gif, .png <img src="dog.jpg" /> use an image that is already on your computer; this is just an example <ul> <li>First bullet</li> unordered list (plain bullets) <li>Second bullet</li> <li>Third bullet</li> </ul> <ol> <li>Numbered bullet #1</li> ordered list (numbers) <li>Numbered bullet #2</li> <li>Numbered bullet #3</li> </ol> NESTING TAGS (USING 2 OR MORE TAGS TOGETHER) A bold headline: <strong><h1>This headline is in bold text</h1></strong> <h1><strong>This headline is also bold</strong></h1> <strong><h1>This headline is not bold at all</strong></h1> <h1><strong>This headline is not bold at all</h1></strong> Right: <tag 1><tag 2>content</tag 2></tag 1> Wrong: <tag 1><tag 2>content</tag 1></tag 2> WEBPAGE STRUCTURE <html> <!-- begins HTML document; remember, this is a comment that will be ignored by the browser! --> <head> <!-- begins HEAD part of HTML document --> <title>My First Page

Hi, I’m a new, kinda boring web page.